In this episode, we chat with Keeley Hubbard, a seasoned professional with a diverse real estate, sales, and capital-raising background. Keeley shares her journey in sales and how she became a capital-raising coach. She emphasizes the importance of qualifying potential clients and building real investor relationships. Keeley also discusses the challenges and opportunities in the current capital-raising market. She also talks about her involvement in Texas Vineyards and its unique investment opportunities.

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What’s Covered In This Episode

  • Combining Diverse Expertise for Unique Investment Avenues
  • Transforming Sales Skills into Capital Raising Success
  • Capital Raising Coaching: A New Frontier for Real Estate Professionals
  • Prioritizing Authentic Relationships in Investment Engagements
  • Investing in Texas Vineyards for Generational Wealth and Sustainability

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Trevor Oldham (00:06.43)
Hey everybody, welcome back to the REI Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today on the show we have Keeley Hubbard. Keely is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in real estate, agricultural, investment, and syndication. She is also a dedicated sales coach, having spent over 17 years mastering the art of sales, emerging as a top producer across various industries. Her passion lies in helping others achieve their financial goals, a mission that has defined her career.

She brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table, having successfully implemented a custom sales process that propelled an international organization’s revenues from $40 million to over $220 million in less than four years. Keely, super excited to have you on the show today.

Keeley (00:50.722)
Thank you, Trevor. I’m excited to be here.

Trevor Oldham (00:53.274)
And Keely, for our audience that’s hearing about yourself for the first time, and you have all these different things that you’ve done in your life that are super cool, I’d love for you just in your own terms just to go through a little bit of your background for our audience.

Keeley (01:07.946)
Yeah, like you mentioned, I’ve been in sales now. I think I need to update that it’s 18 years, which is crazy to think, but I’ve been selling my whole life, I absolutely love it. My career really took off in 2010 when I got into high ticket sales in the financial education industry and really figured out kind of in the trenches a sales process that made me feel authentic. I didn’t like all the typical sales strategies and so I just set out on a path to figure it out in a way that I felt like I was truly serving.

Trevor Oldham (01:12.608)
Oh, wow.

Keeley (01:37.88)
my clients and I rose to the top of the ranks pretty quickly. And so corporate that, you know, grabbed corporate’s attention. It was a franchise organization at the time when I was selling and corporate said, can you come teach what you’re doing? And built my career there, became VP of sales and had about 600 sales people and 13 directors that on my team, amazing, the most amazing people. I traveled about 23 days a month and I kind of got to a place where I was, I was just getting burnt out. And I think like a lot of people.

the more you climb the corporate ladder, you end up in, you know, I was in analytics meetings all day and I’m like, this doesn’t move the needle. I wanna be with my salespeople, I wanna coach. And so I, and I also wanted a different lifestyle. So I left, started my own coaching firm and never looked back. And that’s when I started getting into commercial real estate as well and in business with my father. And I’ve got, you know, got a lot of plates spinning. I like being busy, I love serving, and I’m just living a wonderful life that I’m so grateful for.

Trevor Oldham (02:12.094)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Trevor Oldham (02:34.118)
Yeah, that’s awesome. And I would assume probably, I know when we mentioned earlier on the call, you’re in Texas, I’m in New York, so probably a little bit warmer too than I’m, I think when I left this morning in the car to go to the gym, it was like three degrees. So I would imagine, hopefully it’s a little bit warmer. I was talking to a guy the other day from Tennessee, and gosh, I think he got like a foot of snow. So I feel that’s very unusual out there in Tennessee. But yeah, with that being said, and I know we touched on it briefly, but.

Keeley (02:46.559)
I’m mad.

Keeley (02:55.944)

Trevor Oldham (03:02.078)
I’d love to just learn a little bit more about what motivated you to become a capital raising coach. What drew you to that avenue instead of say, and maybe do it, but outside your typical your sales coaching where you bring on anyone from pharmaceutical sales to B2B sales. Just curious why capital raising.

Keeley (03:21.962)
Yeah, that’s such a great question, because it wasn’t on my radar. When I started my own coaching firm, I was talking to a lot of different businesses, a lot of different industries that were needing sales help. And when I got into the syndication space, starting out in the multifamily space with my dad in business, as people learned, like, wow, she knows sales. And I was asked to speak. And I was asked to be the emcee of events. And so I taught sales when I would get on stage, because that’s my wheelhouse. That’s my passion. And I kept getting more and more people

said, can you please teach capital raising? Like, do you have a coaching program for it? And I did it and I was super busy. And to be very honest, I put it off for a long time. I’m like, that sounds like a lot of work to put something like that together that would really help people. And so when COVID hit in 2020, I was like, well, now I have time. Because I’m a great person.

Trevor Oldham (04:09.704)

Keeley (04:10.286)
I was not traveling, doing sales trainings, traveling. I was doing it remote, but I had more time. And so I built it just from the need of so many people that get into real estate because they love the numbers, they’re good at underwriting, they love the kind of the feel of the hunt and finding properties, but all of a sudden they find themselves into a sales role and they’re like, wait a second, like I didn’t sign up for this, now I gotta sell myself and talk about my deal and like I can’t stand typical salespeople, so how do I do that in a way that like feels like me?

And those are my people because that’s my passion. I hated that aspect of sales too. When I started, I disagreed with so many sales trainers and the strategies they taught and I’m like, that stuff doesn’t work. So I’ve proven it to myself that my process works. I proved it in corporate taking a company from 40 million to 220 million a year in a relatively short period of time without bad Google reviews. People were not writing bad reviews about our salespeople, which is what happens at most companies. So once I proved to myself, okay, this applies to any.

industry. And I’ve been raising private capital since 2014, but having conversations with investors, it’s a high ticket sale. It’s six to seven figures and it requires an even higher level of sale skills to be successful at it. So I think my passion in this niche is I feel like I can move the needle really far for business owners.

Trevor Oldham (05:29.858)
And I can agree with you there where I found for myself, I worked with one sales coach when I was trying to grow my business and I found that the tactics were, that he would be recommending were almost like high pressure tactics. You know, like, you can, you know, this offer is only gonna last for, you know, another day. You know, just other things like that where then I worked with another sales coach and it was much more informational where it was more trying to dive into the client, figure out like, hey, is this prospect, is someone actually,

that would invest with my company and similar to potentially capital raiser, is this someone that has never invested in this indication before? Is it someone that, Hey, they have, you know, 1 million sitting in their self-directed IRA. That’s just, so let’s say so 401k sitting there on the sidelines to, to invest in a deal. I found for me the hardest part. And I don’t know why when it came to sales and something I had to work on was asking for the sale, it was like, you know, you get, you go through the whole process and then you get to the close per se on the sale. You,

qualified the buyer, everything sounds good, you’ve been speaking for them for 30 minutes. That for me was something I had to work on my own and really, and I don’t know if it’s more because I was more introverted or I’d never had any of that sales background and all of a sudden I’m starting to sell, which I’m assuming some of these capital raisers are doing. But with that said, when you’re working with a potential client, what are some of the common challenges you find these capital raisers, when they encounter trying to talk to someone or

or sell an investor on a deal that they’ve put together.

Keeley (06:58.934)

That is such a great question. I think the biggest mistake that I see is falling into the trap of believing that sales is being really friendly and enthusiastic and knowing your product really well or knowing your, you know, in our world, knowing your investment really well, your asset class, your deal, and then pitching as many people as possible and then saying, well, it’s just a numbers game after that. And that is a quick way to a lot of stress.

Trevor Oldham (07:27.278)
Thank you.

Keeley (07:29.616)
want and most people give up. Because it’s so exhausting to sell that way. And so my perspective on sales and what I’ve always done is realize, okay, I’m not pitching everybody. I’ve got to find people that have the problems that I fix. And I’m going to figure out, do you have the problems that I fix and does it hurt bad enough that you want to fix it?

And if that’s true, then I’m moving on to, let’s talk about the money side of things. Is there a budget to fix it? And what does the financial situation look like? And then I’m moving on to, how do you make decisions about your money? What’s important to you? How you evaluate deals? And I’m qualifying hard. And when you qualify hard, the close is easy. And when I say qualified hard, it’s just, it’s questions. It’s a conversation. And they know from the beginning that

Trevor Oldham (08:07.819)

Keeley (08:16.37)
They may say no, it’s not a good fit and that’s okay. I might tell them it’s not a good fit from my perspective and that’s okay. Or we do business together, but let’s talk about it. But we need to have a real conversation. And their walls are down because they’re not stressed that I’m gonna push them into saying yes. So they tell me what’s really going on. So I just look at sales like it’s not my job to close anybody, it’s not my job to persuade them, to push them, to manipulate anybody into buying. It is my job to figure out if they qualify for me to present the solution.

So that way I’m not pitching everybody. So I think that’s one of the biggest challenges. People call it product vomit. They product vomit or deal vomit over anybody that’ll listen and think, oh, it’s just a numbers game. I’ve got to find somebody else to pitch. And people can’t stand salespeople. So when we do anything that comes across like typical salesperson, their walls are up. So we have to start thinking differently.

Trevor Oldham (09:07.874)
Yeah, I definitely agree with that. And I was gonna ask you about qualifying. You know, that was a big piece for me on my end. But I can agree with you there. I’ve been on, you know, I’ve invested in a couple of different deals as an LP. And I know on my end, you know, initially I was talking to a lot of different, you know, GP sponsors, trying to get an understanding like which area, you know, which asset class that I want to invest in, who do I want to invest in? And you could always tell the difference between the ones where I just felt like when they were like super pushy, when they’re saying like, this is the best deal.

you know, our underwriting is super conservative. I just felt as though like, what’s wrong with this deal? Like if they’re selling me so hard where they haven’t even asked me like, A, you know, what’s my criteria on the deal that I wanna invest in? How much capital do I actually have? Or B, like right now, I’m on the sidelines just trying to build up my savings account to invest in my next deal. So is it my look in, you know, three months now, six months now where I found that some of the sponsors, they would just be like, hey, you know, we got this deal, best deal.

conservative underwriting if I Would be very wealthy if I got a dollar every time I heard someone say conservative underwriting That’s the that’s the stick that I find the majority of folks put and then they would say hey this deal is gonna close in the next 48 hours 72 hours like well Now I lost interest because I’m not gonna be in you know I’m not ready to invest for another you know three six months But with that you know all being said and I think it maybe goes back to the qualifying question before someone even like hops on with a potential client is there like

Keeley (10:13.143)

Trevor Oldham (10:36.422)
a certain questionnaire that they should be having just for someone to fill out. That way they’re not wasting their time on their call and that’s something I’ve even gone back and forth with in my company where, yeah, I wanna qualify people that come onto my call. It’s just a pre-qualify, like, hey, do you have money to invest in this deal so I’m not just helping out? And you’re like, oh, I thought, say my company is like 100 bucks a month or maybe getting into this deal is $500. Just curious how that looks like on year-end when you’re working with clients.

pre-qualify them just before they come into the call or do you just get them on the call and then qualify them from there so that way you just know you’re like, hey, I’m five minutes into this conversation, it’s just not a fit, let me just end the conversation instead of me spending another 45 minutes on the call with them.

Keeley (11:21.738)
Yeah, great question. So in my coaching business, I definitely have an application because if they’re willing to fill that out, I know they’re really looking for help. I don’t take pick your brain calls. God bless them, but they’re going to have to realize at some point, if you really want to grow your business, you’ve got to pay to play. Everybody has to pay to play. There’s no skipping that. There’s no skipping coaching, mentorship. I put my money where my mouth is. I spend a lot of money on my own coaches.

Trevor Oldham (11:34.642)

Keeley (11:51.732)
willing to fill out an application in the coaching side of things, then they’re probably not, you know, it’s not worth my time to have the conversation. So I am strategic about the questions that I ask to understand what’s not working in the business and are you willing to find the resources to fix it. Not saying that I’m going to be the solution, but are you willing to find the resources to invest in yourself. On the capital raising side, it is a different type of a sale. It is six to seven figure sale. So and it’s not a one call close.

relationship that’s being developed. So my opinion and what I’ve seen successful and what I’ve done for myself is a short investor form. Most people mess this up. They do this long investor form like, what’s your birthday? Do you have kids? You know, what’s your net worth? And all these invasive questions and investors probably get through three, and they’re like, forget it. I don’t know this person. Like, why am I giving you all this info? So I wanna keep it as concise as possible. I think of their investor status as important. Are you accredited or sophisticated? I wanna know that. But I especially wanna know

And it comes back to the pain points. Are you frustrated with the volatility in your other investments? Are you looking for tax advantages because you want to pay less money to the IRS? What piqued your interest in the first place? And I would also say that if you are overwhelmed with leads that are not qualified, there’s something broken in your sales process steps before they get to you. You’re attracting people that are looking for a $500 investment versus I’m ready to

capital into real estate. So we have to take a look at what is our messaging, how do we present ourselves, and what type of investors are we drawing in?

Trevor Oldham (13:29.258)
And with that being said, and I don’t know if there’s a specific number you work with your clients or even yourself, I know for my company we do it, is focused sort of, I’d say like on a conversion rate basis. So we know, hey, we have 10 booked calls this week, we’re going to sign up, hope, you know, let’s say, I don’t want to say hopefully, let’s say 30 or 40%, so three or four new clients, obviously even we can qualify someone and at the end of the day that just, it just doesn’t work out. You know, I wish I could bet a thousand percent when it comes to this business, but

it just doesn’t happen. Where I know you mentioned before, someone, anyone could just book a call with our company. We might’ve had five times the amount of calls, but our conversion rate was maybe 5% on those booked calls. You know, where we were just talking to everyone. When it comes to the capital raising side of the business, is there like a certain sort of metric that you would recommend for your clients or whether, or just any capital raiser to track like their progress to say, hey,

And I don’t want to say, I don’t want it to be like, again, like too salesy, but when it comes to like, hey, you know, if I know if I speak to 10 investors, I’m gonna potentially get, you know, two of those people to invest with my company and sort of just work those numbers back, because I’m very, you know, metric oriented. My business, that’s how I’m always working back and working through that, but just curious on your end, how that sort of looks like, if there are sort of metrics that someone could track to say, hey, I’m either, you know, doing good at the sales thing, or I need to improve what I am doing.

Keeley (14:53.706)
Yeah, I love that. And I spent a lot of time with our analytics team in corporate, because I was looking at revenue and budgets on a huge scale. And if something was broken, oftentimes the symptom shows up later in the sales cycle when the root cause of it is early on. So it’s important to look at the whole funnel from start to finish. I talked to some syndicators that reach out, want my help, and they’re like,

I just need more leads. And I ask a lot of questions about what their funnel looks like, how many people they have in their investor community, what’s their ongoing warming up, marinating, if you will, put them in the crock pot, whatever, however you want to call it, keeping those investors warm, what are you doing? They’re not doing anything. They’re just looking for new investor leads and they’re already talking to 15 a week.

but they’re not converting them. And it’s usually because they’re looking at it from a transactional perspective, and they’re not building that real relationship. I am much more a quality over quantity type of person. I’ve raised multi-millions on relatively small investor communities because I don’t wanna deal with thousands of investors, just to be very blunt. I want a strong, small community that I know well, that I can pick up the phone and call them, and we’ve had multiple conversations, and they send me their friends and family. And you can double your investor community from the inside out,

by building deep relationships with those investors. So one of the most important things to track in any sales role, the only thing you have control over are your income producing activities. So if we’re worried about revenue at the end of the month or in the capital raising space, we’re worried about, I gotta make sure I’ve got 12 million this year to deploy in capital, we can’t control that. What we can control are, am I generating new conversations with people that have the problems I fix?

And that is the metric we have to focus on. Because if we’re doing those activities, the capital takes care of itself. So that’s one thing that I look for. But it’s not, you know, I’m not gonna be the one to tell you need to have 10 investor calls a week. That’s just not me. I’ve got a client that raised 21 million, close to that his first year, on a few hundred investors. Not thousands of people. And I’ve worked with, you know, big names in the industry that have an investor list of 23,000 people on it. And it’s just been, it’s grown over the years.

Keeley (17:08.644)
years, but there’s really not a strategy there to nurture and develop and turn those people in there into real conversations and convert them into capital. So I’ve seen both sides of it, but this is not a… We don’t want to just collect email addresses. There’s no point in that. We need conversations with people and we need real relationships.

Trevor Oldham (17:27.738)
I can definitely agree with that. I know when I was working initially with, I would say sales coach, more of my business coach, and initially I came to him and I said, hey, I wanna grow revenue in my company. I wanna get more leads. He was like, well, why not instead of getting, and maybe at the time I started working with him, maybe the close rate was say 15%. It’s like why instead of going out and getting more leads, why don’t we just focus on getting better leads that we have coming in now so we’re not spending double the amount of time, or we take that 15% say,

I don’t want to sound too salesy, but 15% close rate. Maybe we bumped it up to 30% on the same amount of calls that you’re already taking because you’re having better conversations where you’re putting in the same amount of input, but you’re getting a better output. But yeah, so that’s great that you shared that. But curious, and I know it’s in the real estate space within itself, and back in, during, say, COVID, I noticed a lot of syndicators came into the space. It was almost like you could, say, especially in the multifamily space, you could almost buy like any property.

and the value would double or triple in a few years. Obviously the market stabilized a little bit more in these last couple of months. But just curious, whether for you or for your clients, have you noticed that capital raising has become a little bit more difficult or more difficult than the previous years of this year when it comes to capital raising than say the prior years just given the current market or is it just business as usual? If you’re doing things the right way, the capital will still find its way too.

Keeley (18:55.434)
I love that. I think that the last couple of years have proven that the way to raise capital for the long haul and build an investor community that…

you know, investors put money in your deals multiple times per year across any asset class that you bring their way and they send friends and family. It’s proven that comes from conversations. We got really lazy in 2021 and 2022 just sending emails. And the problem is it drew a lot of people into the capital raising space that adopted this mindset of, I just need to build a collect as many accredited investor leads as possible. And so now there’s all these marketing companies that are spamming people like I can get you

accredited investor leads and appointments and they think that’s the answer or that’s the shortcut is I just build this huge email list, I send out my deal and it’s all about the deal and it’s not. Accredited investors are not investing with you because your marketing looks so amazing and you have incredible blog posts and emails that go out, they invest with you because of you. And so I think what it’s really done is proven to people like, okay, this is hard to do without sales skills. Like I actually have to get on the phone and talk to people. And so I love it.

Personally, because I’m like, this is how capital raising should be. We all want to get to a place where we send an email and we raise 5 million in 48 hours. That’s amazing. And I’ve worked with operators who can do that. And what I have proven is if you get your team on the phone and start actually reaching out to those investors, you will double your capital raise. So if you’re brand new starting out, if you’re not that big player that has all of these

Keeley (20:34.89)
Don’t spend so much time building this big elaborate ecosystem and automations. I mean that’s such a catchphrase in this industry or a word, catchword, where you spend all this time building this huge system, nobody’s going to see it.

So sales skills are required to go out there and generate conversations to funnel people into your ecosystem, to warm them up, to build that real relationship. So when the deal comes through, and you pick up the phone to call them to make sure they saw the deal that was just sent out, they don’t look at you like you’re a stranger. So it’s not that it’s harder right now, it was just really easy, and I think it made us lazy in the last couple years.

Trevor Oldham (21:11.606)
I can count probably on my hand how many times an investor has called me about a new deal where usually I just feel like I’m getting spammed, not spammed, but I’m just on the email list, hey, here we have a new deal. I might check it out and then that’s the end of it. Maybe I’m busy during my day. But I find if that investor is gonna give me that personalized call, say hey, we have a new deal going on, I think it matches your criteria based on our previous conversations. Then I find myself way more inclined to look at the deal, whether I invest in it or not, who knows? Maybe it’s just.

Maybe it’s just not the right time, but at least I find that additional personal outreach, at least for me, I find is definitely allows me to stand above. I’m thinking about it because I got a call from an investor the other day and I was like, wow, I haven’t gotten a call from an investor or from a sponsor in a long time. I was like, they should do that. They should do that more often. But yeah, with that said, I know we’ve talked about the sales process a little bit in your capital raising processes, but I want to take a little bit of a different term.

Keeley (21:59.598)

Trevor Oldham (22:10.002)
And I’m just very curious, you know, how did you get into Texas Vineyards? And do you mind just explaining a little bit about it for our audience?

Keeley (22:18.302)
Yes, I get that question a lot. They’re like, what? Like vineyards? And in Texas? I’ve never heard of that before. So we are, when I say we, it’s the Hubbard family. So primarily my father and I, but there’s a bigger family behind us just loving us and supporting us through it. Primarily, or should I say mostly my father and I, along with the Moreland family, that are also sixth, seventh generation Texans. We’re just these crazy Texans that love this state, have been here our entire life for multiple generations.

who want to build a legacy in the state through the Texas wine industry. And the way that we got into it is my dad bought a ranch. He’s always wanted to have a ranch for the family, like a big, just huge piece of land where we can all hang out. And when you own a ranch in Texas, you run cattle on it, or you put in an orchard. Like you do things that give you tax exemptions and generate income to make your land payment or pay the taxes every year. And so he’s like, he met somebody that done vineyards, like I’m gonna put some vineyards on the ranch, maybe 20, 30 acres.

on a podcast, on Whitney Sewell’s podcast with LifeBridge Capital, and our partner had to be listening, like just happened to be listening to it at the time. His name’s Mason, and he reached out, and he was like, I gotta talk to your dad. My phone number’s on the website. So I connected the two of them, and that was back in late 2019, and we underwrote it for about a year and a half. Long story short, they’re generational farmers. They’ve brought mechanization, basically machine harvesting, machine pruning, how California operates to a very archaic wine industry here in Texas.

Texas is a $20 billion wine industry. It is massive. Most people don’t know that because we drink all of our wine in state. We don’t ship it out of the state because we barely have enough to meet the demand of what’s happening here. So they brought seven years ago that technology to the state running huge scale vineyards with machines, very different than all the other Texas vineyards. And so they’re like, there’s a huge opportunity. There’s a major supply gap. There’s not enough wine grapes in Texas. Farmers can’t keep up.

nobody’s bringing mechanized vineyards because it’s expensive. We want to do it, but we’ve never syndicated anything before. They knew my dad’s background. He’s owned six companies, business experience. They knew my background in raising capital. That’s how we all came together. It has been the most rewarding project. It’s not even a project. It’s turning into a whole company. I just feel so blessed to do it. The investors we’ve met in the process and it’s growing. We’ll be the biggest vineyard operator in the state in about

Keeley (24:48.632)
a year and a half and will control more than 50% of the wine grape supply in a $20 billion industry. So, it takes a lot of my attention, but I just love it. I’m really passionate about it.

Trevor Oldham (24:58.962)
Yeah, that’s awesome. That’s such a unique investment. I find that when you’re thinking outside the alternative investments, you have your standard real estate deals, maybe it’s multi-family self-storage. I really find this asset class to be super interesting. I know for myself, I was diving into marinas the other day where it’s almost like that Nexolayer beyond your typical alternative investments where you can buy and rent out boat slips and dock slips and there’s all these different things where.

Then when I obviously came across Texas Vineyards, I found it very interesting. Now from an investor perspective, what does it look like, I know on your website, and I believe it was 75K, to get into the deal with you, or invest with your company, from there, what does it look like for a perspective investor? Is it more of a cash flow play, where you’re getting, say, 7 to 10% paid out?

Monthly is it more of an equity play where maybe you get a little bit lower cash on cash and then a higher overall IRR after a couple of years. Just curious what that looks like and I believe if I correct it was your company when I was looking yesterday that it was almost incident returns after a set period of time. And don’t put me if I’m wrong because I was looking at some different companies but I think it was Texas Vineyards. But yeah, I’d love for you just to talk about what it looks like from an investor perspective when they invest with your company.

Keeley (26:07.818)

Keeley (26:17.334)
Yeah, it’s super unique. I think one of the things that we hear from investors that they love the most about adding something like this to their portfolio is they invest once and it cash flows for decades. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s like you invest once, you’re going to participate in Harvest for like 40 years. And so we have a lot of investors that are, you know, they’re thinking about their kids and their grandkids. And so it is a cash flow play, but it’s also there’s capital events in there. We do a refinance. So there’s a great equity multiple in there.

After eight, we refinance the vineyard, return a lot of capital back to investors plus an additional profit on top of harvest. There’s a scenario where we could get acquired by a massive California operation like a Galo or Constellation that they’re not trying to plant vineyards from the ground up in a state they don’t understand. They would rather take over an existing operation. There’s a large equity multiple there as a possibility, but most of our investors get into it because they want the ongoing…

going return. So, you know, after year 10, at that point, you’ve got a 3 to 4X equity multiple. But after year 10, it cash flows 16 to 21% per year. You just participate in harvest every year. And the vineyard just keeps going. Vineyards will last for usually about 25 years. We’ve set aside a contingency fund. We just hold back profits from harvest every year, throw it into a fund, and that’s there to replant the vineyard. So we’ll replant it. It runs for another 25 years.

We like each other from a sponsor perspective and our investors, like we want to have fun. We’re going to meet your kids. We’re probably going to meet your grandkids too, but we want to be in this for a very long time. And we’ve got two generations within each family that are, well, three generations. So with myself and my father and then the Moreland family, Mason is, he is my age, but he’s got four daughters and he has another one that’s due any day now. And so our plans, right? Our dads are like, eh.

Trevor Oldham (28:12.526)
Oh wow, it’s gonna be busy.

Keeley (28:17.168)
whatever y’all can do we don’t care what you do in 20 years but like we want a legacy like we’re replanting the vineyard this is gonna be a huge operation so yeah it’s I don’t know if I answered your question I may have gone off on a tangent there but the returns are lucrative

Trevor Oldham (28:32.478)
Yeah, that’s perfect. I really enjoyed our conversation today, but the one last question I have for the day is if someone’s interested in either hiring you as a capital raising coach, or they are interested in investing in Texas vineyards, where can they go to find more information?

Keeley (28:49.302)
Yeah, great question. So is where you can find us for the vineyards. And then if you’re curious, if I can help you on the capital raising side and you’re pulling your hair out because you’re frustrated with the sales process, you can either message me on LinkedIn. I’m very responsive in my inbox, or you can head over to and there’s some cool resources there for raising capital.

Trevor Oldham (29:13.71)
Awesome. I’ll make sure to include those in the show notes. And again, thank you so much for coming onto the show today.

Keeley (29:19.01)
Thank you, Trevor. It’s been fun. I appreciate it.